One of the benefits of living in Mos Eisley is the diversity of the cuisine. Though there are several Korean restaurants in this Paraguayan city of 300,000 (I'm more inclined to think the real population of CdE is closer to 125,000), Man House rises above them.
Not to be missed: the bulgogi is good, the pork ribs are even better, and the spicy seafood (marisco) soup (I think it's number 10 on the first page of the menu) is stellar. They serve the meat with sesame leaves for rolling (not just lettuce). Prices (which are reasonable are in dollars, but they accept guaranies, reales, and pesos--even all at once.
Open for lunch and dinner during the week. On Abay between Adriana Jara and Pai Perez.
Note: I'm trying to show the exact location via Google maps, but it has the streets either unfinished or mislabeled for this city-- in fact, they label the city Puerto Presidente Stroessner (!!!) a name not used since 1989. Wow. Bad job on this.
I give up. No Google Maps link to CdE is accurate enough.
Note: I'm trying to show the exact location via Google maps, but it has the streets either unfinished or mislabeled for this city-- in fact, they label the city Puerto Presidente Stroessner (!!!) a name not used since 1989. Wow. Bad job on this.
I give up. No Google Maps link to CdE is accurate enough.

One Response to Where to eat: Man House, Ciudad del Este's best Korean spot.
I think Google's crowdsourcing a lot of the PY info from edits made at ... the Stroessner reference is already gone from that version ... hopefully it'll migrate over to Google Maps eventually. Perhaps in your copious spare time you can use Mapmaker to set the record straight on other bits of CDE geography.
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