Tips for Asunción Living

Exchange your traveler's checks at the Banco de la Nación Argentina, which is in front of the Panteon de los Heroes. Exchange houses take a higher percentage out of your checks and the American Express office in Asunción does not do exchanges.

Bolsi Restaurant does delivery for a fee of about 6mil Guaranies... that's a little more than a dollar. (021) 491 841. Open on Sunday! No menu online, so just order the Ensalada Bolsi (chico) and add Pollo Grillé for a measly 46mil Guaranies (a little more than $9, including delivery), which is enough for two people.

Freddo's (the Argentine ice cream chain) also does delivery for the pittance of about 6mil Guaranies. One kilo of ice-cream will run you a total of 61mil Guaranies (about $12, including delivery). (021) 616 0800. Open on Sunday!

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