Betancourt Free: Theories Abound

In wonderful news that certainly represents a moment of crisis for the FARC, Ingrid Betancourt and three American contractors (Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes, and Keith Stansell), as well as eleven less known (but to their families equally important) Colombians were rescued in a theatrically scripted operation.

Here are a series of videos from the day (in Spanish):
Breaking, Ingrid Freed.
Breaking, Ingrid Freed, part two.
First Images of Betancourt leaving the plane, beginning of her press conference.
Ingrid Betancourt Press Conference, continues.
Ingrid Betancourt Press Conference, even more.
Ingrid Betancourt Press Conference, the end.

In-depth account: Hostages Freed in Colombia Returning Home [from the NYTimes] Analyzing FARC's End Game [from COHA]
Conspiracy theory: though vehemently denied, ransom was paid to free Betancourt & the Americans. [from the Guardian]
Rejoinder to conspiracy theory: the military explains how they planned/executed the rescue. [in Spanish, from El Pais]

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One Response to Betancourt Free: Theories Abound

Nate Barksdale said...

My favorite moment from her initial press conference is when she says, "The helicopter almost fell from the sky, because we were jumping, shouting, crying, embracing, we couldn't believe it. God has done a miracle for us -- and it's a miracle that I wanted to share with all of you, because all of you have suffered with my family, with my children, with me ..."

Astonishing grace.


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