Uroš Dojčinović, Serbian classical guitarist, performs in Paraguay.

Uroš Dojčinović is the first Serbian guitarist to ever perform in Paraguay. Last night, his concert of compositions and folk melody arrangements from around the world was to a packed audience at the Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar. The program included pieces by Agustín Barrios Mangoré (the Paraguayan composer/guitarist whose work Dojčinović recorded for the first time in Serbia), Villa Lobos, Tárrega, Cottin, Lebedew, Dojčinović himself, as well as works from Malta, Egypt, China.

It was amazing how one instrument, tuned a bit differently for different pieces, could effectively capture such different musical styles. (Yes, I used the word "different" three times in that sentence. Oh, well.) Also cool were variations on strumming, sliding, plucking, playing with the left hand on the neck, tapping and knocking on the wood.

The video I've taken is of three pieces: the first by Mangoré, the latter two by Dojčinović.

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